AKADEMIE INTERNATIONAL – Theatre (in) Education for Identity and Moral (Re)formation from the Yoruba/African Context – Donnerstag, 24. März 2022 – Hybridveranstaltung
This workshop aims to bring together teachers, artists and academic scholars (from and around FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and the University of Ibadan, Nigeria) to discuss the status of theatre or performative arts education in schools and it’s impact on sustaining cultural heritage in times of transformation from a global perspective. The inspiration is the impression that, by policy and practice, arts and cultural education seems to be relegated among other subjects in secondary school, especially in Nigeria not minding its roles in sustaining cultural heritage.
After a short impulse on the topic of Cultural Sustainability res. Cultural Resilience by Benjamin Jörissen, Ifeoluwa Akinsola, as the main speaker, will be talking about his PhD research on how Nigerian teachers have been using theatre/arts to sustain Yoruban Culture. So, the workshop is to lend a voice to the potentialities of theatre/arts education in helping us form, reform and transform identities, cultural heritage and moral values and contribute to the recommendations of the on-going discourse on decoloniality in Nigeria and elsewhere.
Die Dozierenden und Workshopleitungen stellen sich vor!
Ifeoluwa Akinsola, is a PhD scholar in Language Education at the Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, where he also had his bachelor’s degree (in Teacher Education/Yoruba/History) and master’s degree (in Language Education). He conduct research on Theatre-in-Education; and Yoruba Literature, Media and Film Studies and is currently researching theatre and students‘ learning outcomes in Yoruba orature and moral values as his PhD project. Besides academics, he write Yoruba plays and poems, and also performs as a stage actor and oral literature performer under the auspices of Stage Alive/Emmylyskilz Production, Ibadan.‘ |
Termin, Infos und Anmeldung
Termin: Donnerstag, 24. März 2022 – Hybridveranstaltung
Uhrzeit: 14:30 – 18:00 Uhr
Ort: AkademieLAB (Kulturwerkstatt Auf AEG, Muggenhofer Straße 141, 90429 Nürnberg)
Teilnahmegebühr: 0,- €
Erm. Teilnahmegebühr: 0,- € für Lehrkräfte (an bayerischen Schulen)
Leitung: Ifeoluwa Akinsola, Benjamin Jörissen und Tanja Klepacki
Workshopsprache: Englisch
Anmeldeschluss: Freitag, 17.3.2022
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